Welcome To Our University

Welcome To Our University

Pathein Intermediate College (7-7-1958), Pathein College (2-11-1964), Pathein Degree College (30-11-1981) and Pathein University (2-9-1996) Read more….

For A Better Education

For A Better Education

We offer the best infrastructure to give you the best opportunities and comfort during your study.



The vision of Pathein University is to become one of the best comprehensive universities in Myanmar with strong…


Welcome To Our University

Pathein Intermediate College (7-7-1958),

Pathein College (2-11-1964),

Pathein Degree College (30-11-1981) and

Pathein University (2-9-1996)

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The vision of Pathein University is to become one of the best comprehensive universities in Myanmar with strong positive impact on the region and the country through its top educational and research programs, centers of excellence and active international partnerships.



Pathein University’s mission is to contribute to society by delivering high quality ethical and professional education and scholarly research. Through private-public partnership and applied research, the university promotes entrepreneurship and economic development to improve the lives of people of the region and the nation.

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Latest News

The Department of Zoology, Pathein University, and Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) in Japan, with the intention of developing…

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Research Paper Reading session for Best Papers Awards (2020) was duly held on 1st September 2020 at Pathein…

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In honour of World Teacher’s Day 2019, a Teacher’s Paying Homage Ceremony celebration was held for the second…

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The International Joint Symposium was celebrated at Pathein University on the 26th and 27th of September 2019. In…

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Prospectus & Research

2019/2020 Pathein University Prospectus

2019-2020 Pathein University Prospectus Click Photo……

International Joint Symposium

Pathein University Proceedings of the International Joint Symposium Go to Page Link Click: Research Journal

University Research Journal Vol.9

University Research Journal Vol.9, No.1 December, 2019 Go to Page Link Click: Research Journal